LCCC Softball Hosting Indoor Softball League
September 4, 2024 - - Soon after the New Year begins the Lorain County Community College softball team will be hosting two indoor youth softball leagues inside the Ewing Activities Center Fieldhouse during January and February.
The indoor league will feature two divisions, one 12U and one 14U, that will play seven contests on consecutive Sundays from January 5 – February 23, 2025. A league-wide bye week will be held on February 9.
Each Sunday, the first game will start at 7:45 a.m., with the last game starting at 1:45 p.m. The cost for each team is $400 plus a weekly fee of $25 for umpires. There will be eight teams maximum.
Teams interested are asked to contact Bill Matthews, head coach of the LCCC softball team, at 440-309-6938 or at wmatthsb@gmail.com.